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Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are a special occasion at Chabad Garden School!
When your child's birthday is approaching, please contact your child's teacher two weeks in advance to choose a mutually accommodating celebration time.
Please check with the office for a list of approved bakeries. Only approved items will be permitted to be served in school. We are happy to facilitate the purchase of a Kosher birthday cake or cupcakes with at least one week advance notice.
Please do not distribute birthday favors. Instead of these, we suggest that your child present the class with a gift for the classroom in honor of his/her birthday. These birthday gifts are especially treasured in the classroom and bring such pride to the children in whose honor they were purchased! Each classroom has an Amazon wishlist that can be accessed through the link below.
Invitations to a party outside of school may only be distributed in school if all of the children in the class are invited to attend, and if the party is not held on Shabbat or a Jewish Holiday.
When purchasing a class gift (or any Amazon purchase) we'd be grateful if you could access Amazon through the link and select Lubavitch of Montgomery County as your benefitting organization.
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